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26th International Chess Festival "Città di Trieste" / Festival scacchistico internazionale "Città di Trieste" - XXVI edizione

Last update 08.09.2024 18:33:45, Creator/Last Upload: stegan

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Starting rank

1Bliznakoff, Yuri23428163ITA15260
2Granzotto, Gioele28592948ITA14850
3Perissutti, Luca23423870ITA14790
4Cunder, Rudi14666189SLO14750
5Paviotti, Matteo23408820ITA14030
6D'ambrosio, Enrico01399
7Di Maso, Gabriele23429518ITA01399
8Limbeck, LeonardoITA01399
9Mauri, Alberto28588940ITA01399
10Palmolungo, Riccardo23464070ITA01399
11Tatulli Uva, Andrea23416793ITA01399
12Xue, Kaiwen KevinITA01399