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Državno prvenstvo v hitropoteznem šahu 2024 - kadetinje do 16 let

Last update 06.09.2024 19:23:32, Creator/Last Upload: anarulez

Starting rank list of players

8WIMaček, Inti101631814635470SLO1770
7Javornik, Lina102398714638223SLO1664
5WIIKampuš, Iva101959414644290SLO1641
3WIIKrevh, Hana109081014648440SLO1635
11WIIHeric, Meta102403814640848SLO1611
10Mihajlovič, Patricija101660014639629SLO1588
6IIProdan, Eva134969014649837SLO1577
2IVTimagina, Sofia101954314640422SLO1539
9Skarlovnik, Zarja135059114654814SLO1494
1Grošelj, Mirjam135041214653915SLO0
4Heric, Lučka134962914644916SLO0