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25th Tamil Nadu IM Norm Closed Circuit Chess Tournament 2024 - Chennai

Darrera actualització28.08.2024 10:31:03, Creador/Darrera càrrega: BhaskarV

Llista del rànquing inicial

4IMSlizhevsky, Alexander4152050RUS2381
10GMManik, Mikulas14900734SVK2320
3FMDaakshin, Arun366195016IND2290
8FMHarshad, S46616551IND2275
7GMAnnageldyev, Orazly14000016TKM2271
6Adharsh, K25718207IND2268
9IMGochelashvili, David4161203RUS2230
1FMJaiveer, Mahendru25611151IND2220
5WGMUuriintuya, Uurtsaikh4900227MGL2213
2Sriram, Adarsh Uppala33319782IND2195