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Livegames: ASEAN+ Age-group chess championships 2024 S50Վերջին արդիացում25.08.2024 06:03:34, Creator/Last Upload: Lao Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | սեռ |
1 | | FM | Maung, Maung Lwin | 13000233 | MYA | 2133 | |
2 | | | Tong, Thai Hung | 12403555 | VIE | 2086 | |
3 | | | Gatus, Edmundo | 5202493 | PHI | 2043 | |
5 | | CM | Milligan, Helen | 2401312 | NZL | 1925 | w |
4 | | FM | Leong, Ignatius | 5800242 | LAO | 1715 | |