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Livegames: ASEAN+ Age-group chess championships 2024 Girls-12Վերջին արդիացում28.08.2024 07:12:45, Creator/Last Upload: Lao Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | սեռ |
1 | | | Tong, Thai Hoang An | 12419230 | VIE | 1877 | w |
2 | | WCM | Nguyen, Minh Chi | 12424641 | VIE | 1839 | w |
3 | | | Borce, Cyreine Jean | 5275083 | PHI | 1599 | w |
4 | | | Nguyen, Hoang Bao Tram | 12434434 | VIE | 1597 | w |
5 | | ACM | Tran, Duong Hoang Ngan | 12426997 | VIE | 1592 | w |
6 | | | Putri, Danesh Syauqina | 7128150 | INA | 1578 | w |
7 | | | Phan, Ngoc Bao Chau | 12429180 | VIE | 1577 | w |
8 | | | Nguyen, Hong Ha My | 12427721 | VIE | 1534 | w |
9 | | | Pham, Bao Ngan | 17701988 | LAO | 0 | w |
10 | | | Suelo, Ysha Royz Izheya | 17702046 | LAO | 0 | w |