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2nd. Prativa Sec. S. Level Internal Chess Tournament - 2081 ( Girls ) NA Ram Bahadur Chhetri 12300799

Posledná aktualizácia 22.08.2024 06:49:35, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Štartová listina

1Aryal, Sampada 8ANEP0
2Bastola, Aayusha 8ANEP0
3Bastola, Sarbani 8ANEP0
4Bhandari, Anuska 7ANEP0
5Dhital, Shiwani 6DNEP0
6Gurung, Jebina 7BNEP0
7Kandel, Anwesha 8ANEP0
8Kandel, Samana 7DNEP0
9KC, Sibiya 7BNEP0
10Pokhrel, Arpita 7DNEP0
11Prazoo, Rishu 8BNEP0
12Pzoudel, PraptiNEP0
13Sen, Aashima 7BNEP0
14Sherchan, Asia 6BNEP0
15Shrestha, Aditi 7ANEP0
16Shretha, Icchya 8DNEP0
17Thapa, Dilasha 8DNEP0
18Thapa, Merisha 8BNEP0
19Thapa, Stuty 8BNEP0
20Timilsina, Ayushree 7BNEP0
21Upadhyay, Baishnavi 6ANEP0