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2024 Barbados National Open Chess Championship Sponsored by Barbados Olympic Association and Rock Hard Cement

Darrera actualització06.09.2024 03:54:04, Creador/Darrera càrrega: BCF1981

Llista del rànquing inicial

9FMDel Castilho, Martyn11100400BAR2196
1Lynch, Kemp11101377BAR1944
7Areti, Muralidhar11100508BAR1917
4Edwards, Emar11103345BAR1898
6CMParsons, Justin11101792BAR1848
8Roachford, Adam11104627BAR1815
5WCMWilson, Hannah11104600BAR1814
2Rochester, Ronaldo11103841BAR1783
3Blackett, Amari11106590BAR1628