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Damen-Staatsmeisterschaft 2002

Last update 18.08.2002 22:07:50, Creator/Last Upload:

Alphabetical list

1Galambfalvy Monika1046100WienAustria Wien Husek
2WMKHackbarth Christa5195701862SbgRanshofen
3WFMHorvath Maria1093320651988WienAustria Wien Husek
4Kopinits Silvia Mag.1255301581WienSK Wien-Ottakring
5WMKLukan Dunja9277520511887KntSlowen. SV Zveza Bank
6WIMMira Helene7567521482134VbgSC Bregenz 1921
7WMKMolnar Monika22622017761. Wiener Neustädter SV
8WMKSchwaninger Ulrike Dr.1289301903WienTschaturanga Wien