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6th National Amateur (below 2000) Chess Championship- 2024 Category: A, Contact: 9804949534

Darrera actualització26.08.2024 11:28:33, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Nepal Chess Association

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Rànquing inicial

1CMChaulagain, Purusottam12300730NEP1937
2CMThapa, Krishna12300217NEP1933
3Maharjan, Suroj12329100NEP1925
4Phuyal, Aashish12312649NEP1896
5Rai, Rajendra12301043NEP1893
6Mainali, Bikash12320820NEP1891
7Shrestha, Suman12301442NEP1891
8CMTandukar, Nabin5021189NEP1885
9Samba, Lok Sagar12316253NEP1867
10Thapa, Rishon12340197NEP1862
11Gurung, Baliman12300225NEP1860
12Joshi, Deergha Raj12300527NEP1825
13Rai, Chudamani Kulung12303186NEP1817
14Ghimire, Bishwo Bijay12300233NEP1810
15Rai, Umesh12300373NEP1809
16Basnet, Nilam12339954NEP1796
17Rai, Lalit Bahadur12340286NEP1774
18Limbu, Prem12326119NEP1769
19Shrestha, Ashok Mohan12306533NEP1768
20Lama, Basanta12302660NEP1764
21Tamang, Bal Bahadur12332771NEP1743
22Rai, Dhiren12334162NEP1734
23Rai, Narayan12339784NEP1714
24Khatiwada, Narayan Prasad12332704NEP1709
25Joshi, Sindira12312754NEP1708
26Das, Surya Narayan12311766NEP1702