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6th National Amateur (below 2000) Chess Championship- 2024 Category: A, Contact: 9804949534Posledná aktualizácia 26.08.2024 11:28:33, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | CM | Chaulagain, Purusottam | 12300730 | NEP | 1937 |
2 | CM | Thapa, Krishna | 12300217 | NEP | 1933 |
3 | | Maharjan, Suroj | 12329100 | NEP | 1925 |
4 | | Phuyal, Aashish | 12312649 | NEP | 1896 |
5 | | Rai, Rajendra | 12301043 | NEP | 1893 |
6 | | Mainali, Bikash | 12320820 | NEP | 1891 |
7 | | Shrestha, Suman | 12301442 | NEP | 1891 |
8 | CM | Tandukar, Nabin | 5021189 | NEP | 1885 |
9 | | Samba, Lok Sagar | 12316253 | NEP | 1867 |
10 | | Thapa, Rishon | 12340197 | NEP | 1862 |
11 | | Gurung, Baliman | 12300225 | NEP | 1860 |
12 | | Joshi, Deergha Raj | 12300527 | NEP | 1825 |
13 | | Rai, Chudamani Kulung | 12303186 | NEP | 1817 |
14 | | Ghimire, Bishwo Bijay | 12300233 | NEP | 1810 |
15 | | Rai, Umesh | 12300373 | NEP | 1809 |
16 | | Basnet, Nilam | 12339954 | NEP | 1796 |
17 | | Rai, Lalit Bahadur | 12340286 | NEP | 1774 |
18 | | Limbu, Prem | 12326119 | NEP | 1769 |
19 | | Shrestha, Ashok Mohan | 12306533 | NEP | 1768 |
20 | | Lama, Basanta | 12302660 | NEP | 1764 |
21 | | Tamang, Bal Bahadur | 12332771 | NEP | 1743 |
22 | | Rai, Dhiren | 12334162 | NEP | 1734 |
23 | | Rai, Narayan | 12339784 | NEP | 1714 |
24 | | Khatiwada, Narayan Prasad | 12332704 | NEP | 1709 |
25 | | Joshi, Sindira | 12312754 | NEP | 1708 |
26 | | Das, Surya Narayan | 12311766 | NEP | 1702 |