TMM Gebietsklasse West 2024/2025 Last update 19.01.2025 16:37:39, Creator/Last Upload: Landesverband Tirol
Player info
Name | Walcher, Christian | Starting rank | 40 | Rating | 1931 | Rating national | 1931 | Rating international | 1912 | Performance rating | 0 | FIDE rtg +/- | 7,8 | Points | 1 | Rank | 26 | Federation | AUT | Ident-Number | 115671 | Fide-ID | 1623095 | Year of birth | 1980 |
Rd. | SNo | | Name | Rtg | FED | Pts. | Res. |
1 | 4 | AFM | Mayr, Paul | 1721 | AUT | 1,5 | |
*) Rating difference of more than 400. It was limited to 400.