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Congratulations to the winners, please contact the organiser to claim your winning money.
1st prize £250 - Patrick Damodaran
2nd prize £150 - Aram Swiatkowski
3rd prize £100 - Seth Wakefield
Rating prize £50 - Stephen Berkley

Oxted FIDE OPEN September 2024 Standard Tournament ; 40 players maximum

Posledná aktualizácia 22.09.2024 17:24:21, Creator/Last Upload: ProdigyChess

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Štartová listina

1AFMDamodaran, Patrick465429ENG205220522167
2Nwachukwu, Chino8500770NGR191019101956
3Faulkner, Martin J437891ENG182418241882
4Swiatkowski, Dominik343415202ENG182118211906
5Liu, Jacob496960ENG179417941790
6AIMSwiatkowski, Aram343415210ENG177617761857
7Berkley, Stephen W486850ENG174417441779
8Jacobs, Simon343440673ENG168716871590
9Todd, Felix343436277ENG162016201493
10Sandhu, Ronak343423337ENG157515751313
11Humphry, Phil S456276ENG147714771274
12Dore, MaxENG000
13Wakefield, SethENG000