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XIV IRT Escolar A - 2024

Last update 22.09.2024 22:50:03, Creator/Last Upload: avneraa

Starting rank list of players

5DIDIER, VITOR CARVALHO763774473029201771PE
6REGO, ARTHUR DO O RABELO774814473737816811745PE
4CEZAR, EDUARDO DE SOUZA660964476834616771818PE
8FALCAO, DANILO JOSE FERREIRA700854476838916651817PE
2COSTA, JANIO PEDRO TEIXEIRA703854470513116531861AL
7PEREIRA, IGOR MARCELO SOUZA666022278712716521786BA
3MORAIS, BENJAMIN GUEDES732854471668016491851RN
1VALENCA, GUSTAVO G PEREIRA660994471486616351790PE