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52ª Etapa da 13ª Copa Blitz de Xadrez Jaime Sunyê 16.08.2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 21:58:40, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

Search for player Szukanie

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1Daniel Leite,BRA2512
2Vinicius Rech,BRA2316
3Ulisses Atila,BRA2269
4Oseias Reis,BRA2182
5Joseph P. Santos,BRA2168
6Kallel Ferreira Da Silva,BRA2156
7Mateus Paiano,BRA2143
8Wellington Castro,BRA2133
9Carlos Ramalho,BRA2010
10Renan Carreira,BRA2005
11Zayne da Silva,BRA2000
12Tiago Cogrossi,BRA1994
13Valentino Junior,BRA1964