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Last update 19.08.2024 09:46:27, Creator/Last Upload: CITY CHESS CLUB

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Starting rank

1Abhinav K,IND0Assissi E.M.S Thalakottukara
2Abinav C R,IND0Al Ameen English High School Karikk
3Abraham Verghese,IND0Bethany St.John's E M H S Kunnamkul
4Adhithyan V,IND0St.Francis H S S For Boys Mattom
5Adhivinayak M,IND0Govt R S R V H S S Velur
6Alen Biju,IND0St.Francis H S S For Boys Mattom
7Anandhu Somasundaran,IND0M I C Al Ameen High School Kecheri
8Anurag K M,IND0De Paul E M H S Choondal
9Basil T Eby,IND0Bethany St.John's E M H S Kunnamkul
10Jeswin Geo Vadakken,IND0St.Joseph's And St.Cyril's H S West
11Jomeo Albert Kollannoor,IND0De Paul E M H S Choondal
12Mohammed Rishan K,IND0Snehalayam C S I H S For Deaf Kunna
13Muaadh M M,IND0Govt H S S Erumapetty
14Muhammed Alsabith K J,IND0A M H S Chemmanur
15Muhammed Dilshad P S,IND0Sarvodayam H S Aryampadam
16Muhammed Farsin,IND0Sarvodayam H S Aryampadam
17Muhammed Rashid C M,IND0Al Ameen English High School Karikk
18Pranav P,IND0Govt V H S S Fro Boys Kunnamkulam
19Rohin Krishna P S,IND0A M H S Chemmanur