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Rapid Av

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 21:00:23, Creator/Last Upload: Beit Shemesh

Search for player Szukanie

Lista startowa

1Hochberg, EranISR2000
2Goodinger, DavidISR1880
3Cohen, MosheISR1850
5Yehuda Mordechai,ISR1800
6Ben Shemsh, YosefISR1550
7Laufer, ValeraISR1500
9Levitseren, YissacharISR1450
10Fish, DovISR1400
11Baruch Chanuch,ISR1200
12Krup, YehudaISR1200
13Numen, UrielISR1200
14Riif, GiladISR1200