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29.Ekipno natjecanje Prve šahovske lige za seniore Šahovskog saveza Herceg-Bosne

Darrera actualització19.08.2024 01:39:21, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Miro Marjanovic-Vitez

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Quadre creuat per classificació

OrdreEquip12345678 Des1  Des2  Des3 
1ŠK "KISELJAK" Kiseljak * 24,50
ŠK "NOVI TRAVNIK" Novi Travnik * 24,50
3ŠK "BUSOVAČA" Busovača * 4240
4ŠK "JAJCE" Jajce * 23,50
5ŠK " ŽEPČE" Žepče * 02,50
6ŠK "RAMA" Prozor-Rama2 * 020
7HŠK "TOMISLAV" Tomislavgrad * 01,50
ŠK "VITEZ 2013" Vitez * 01,50

Desempat1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Desempat2: points (game-points)
Desempat3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints