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U19G Paschim Medinipur District School Chess Trial, 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.08.2024 12:32:37, Creator/Last Upload: Mr_Hirak_Bose

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Lista startowa

1Ankita Kundu45053308IND1552Kharagpur South Side Girls High Sch
2Supriti Mandal48774286IND1441DAV Public School
3Ankita YadavIND0Kharagpur South Side High School
4Moupiya BanerjeeIND0St. Joseph School
5Prakriti SauIND0Dasagram SS Sikshasadan HS
6Sanchayita DasIND0Dasagram SS Sikshasadan HS
7Suvasree ChowdhuryIND0Sacred Heart High School
8Swastika BhowmikIND0Paharipur Girls' High School