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U19B Paschim Medinipur District School Chess Trial, 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.08.2024 12:34:54, Creator/Last Upload: Mr_Hirak_Bose

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1Agnimitro Pal33481148IND1570Vidyasagar Shishu Niketan
2Rohit Das429065070IND1490Sri Narayan Vidyabhaban Boys High
3Aishik DattaIND0Vidyasagar Shishu Niketan
4Aniruddha DolaiIND0Sonamukhi High School
5Avinaba Das AdhikaryIND0Dasagram SS Sikhasadan HS
6Joydip DeyIND0Inda Krishnalal Siksha Niketan HS
7Soumyadip DolaiIND0Sarada Vidyamandir HS