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Torneo Intercolegial Cristo Rey 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 17:44:22, Creator/Last Upload: Gualberto Benitez Fretes

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1Barrios Villalba, CesarPAR0Cristo Rey
2Cattebeke Recalde, Nestor SantiagoPAR0Cristo Rey
3Duarte Benegas, Juan Alejandro3720675PAR0Cristo Rey
4Olmedo Gomez, GiulianoPAR0Goethe
5Ovelar Caballero, Jose MariaPAR0Cristo Rey
6Plate Caniza, MartinPAR0Goethe
7Robledo Acosta, Santiago DanielPAR0Cristo Rey
8van Arcken, WilliamPAR0Goethe
9von Bauer, KarlPAR0Goethe