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Swot Chess Championship 2024 Under 07 Boys (2017 & 2018)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 22:03:01, Creator/Last Upload: D G D Chamil Thilakarathna

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Lista startowa

1Ahanihan, ThavaratnamSRI0Don Bosco School Of Excellence
2Aksharan, SivakuberanSRI0Mu/Pu/Srisupramaniya Viththiya
3Arikeeth, NishanthanSRI0
4Asvikan, UthayananthanSRI0
5Darukshiyan, KokulakumaranSRI0Limat Chess Academy
6Dishan, JeyakumarSRI0Sdc Chess Club
7Kagish, MayoorathanSRI0Mu/Thaneerootu Hindu Board Tam
8Kamsithan, ArulchchelvamSRI0
9Kashviha, GowritharanSRI0Sdc Chess Club
10Mathesh, ThushyanthanSRI0Jaffna Hindu Primary
11Sankeeth, PakeerathanSRI0Limat Chess Academy
12Sharvinth, KirushnakanthSRI0Limat Chess Academy
13Thagsith, KugatharsanSRI0Royal Lead
14Yarun, MasterSRI0K/Kilinochchi Maha Vidyalayam
15Yashvigan, PathmakumarSRI0Limat Chess Academy