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2nd Beginners Battle Mandya District FREE Chess Tournament 2024 Every 3rd Sunday FREE Tournament for UN-FIDE ID Players

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 10:41:24, Creator/Last Upload: ukcachess

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1Bhuvan M,0Abhinavabarathi
2Druvika S,0Maruthi vidya Kendra
3Hemanth S,0Aishwarya International school
4Hitesh Gowda H M,0Manasa Eduction Trust
5KruthikGowda B P,0Manasa Eduction Trust
6Livika,0Shri Chaithanya
7Nithya R M,0Manasa Eduction Trust
8ParihasRaj R,0Chinmaya Vidyalaya
10Suhas S kumar,0Indian Public School
11Varshini S Gowda,0Chamsugar
12Yashaswini,0Manasa Eduction Trust
13Keerthan s Gowda,0chamsugar
14Manjunath MP,0Kendriya Vidyalaya