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Blitz starts at 2:15 PM

2nd Kings Monthly Open Rapid Chess Tournament on 18th August (Limited to 50 entries)

Last update 18.08.2024 12:18:48, Creator/Last Upload: pjchess

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Starting rank

1AGMPrashanth, J NaikIND1861
2AGMLakshith, B SalianIND1831
3AIMAarush, Bhat33410445IND1780
4Dhrikshu, K VasantIND1750
5Louis, KumpalaIND1714
6Prakyath, GIND1710
7Praveen, KamathIND1646
8Samuel, Ajit33328056IND1629
9ACMAchinthya, Bhat33438307IND1599
10Dsouza, Vinel Leon366095807IND1513
11Shourya, SuvarnaIND1507
12Vihaan, ShettyIND1473
13Abhay, H NayakIND0
14Ajit Cherian,IND0
15Archith, V KashyapIND0
16Harshata, MIND0
17Kiyansh, MIND0
18Omkar, Kamath KIND0
19Prithwi G S,IND0
21Shree, NidhiIND0
23Shreya, SuvarnaIND0
25Suraj S,IND0