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Circuito Provincial de Ajedrez de Sevilla 2024 Sub 08

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 10:10:14, Creator/Last Upload: Jose Domingo Calle Moreau

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1Alshameary Puente, Ismael4195SE2380Oromana
2Muñoz Martin, Pablo1826SE2197Los Palacios
3Ordoñez Torres, Jesus3832CO2090Ruy Lopez Baena
4Ordoñez Torres, Maria Del Carmen4312SE2035San Jose
5Calle Moreau, Jose Domingo3524SE2002Los Palacios
6Alshameary Puente, Daniel4757HA1949Habilit
7Rodriguez Morilla, Joaquin6026SE1880Los Palacios
8Landero Luna, Vicente1340SE1861Los Palacios
9Cabrera Gutierrez, Antonio Jesus25488SE1663Aleph
10Montilla Ruano, Alfonso18152SE1651Aleph
11Gonzalez Ciscares, Pedro24944SE1624Aleph
12Leon Casero, David10560SE1585Aleph