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Last update 18.08.2024 12:04:10, Creator/Last Upload: IA/IO Bunawan

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Starting rank

1Bp. Anggi Ketaren,INA0
2Bp. Bevan Kemit,INA0
3Bp. Brenta Barus,INA0
4Bp. Eikel Bangun,INA0
5Bp. Elvano T,INA0
6Bp. Frend Purba,INA0
7Bp. Jeksen Ginting,INA0
8Bp. Kinata Sinulingga,INA0
9Bp. Malvin Kembaren,INA0
10Bp. Novendra Tarigan,INA0
11Bp. Rafael Karo Karo,INA0
12Bp. Sangap T,INA0
13Daud Depari,INA0
14Muksin Sitepu,INA0
15Risky Surbakti,INA0
16Sopian Surbakti,INA0