Group A is designed with a rating floor of 1800. We will implement accelerated pairings to improve title norm chances for eligible players. The number of rounds with accelerated pairings shall be decided and announced upon publication of the final player list.

Player list will be updated every Sunday by 7pm local time

Singapore International Open - Group A

Poslední aktualizace18.08.2024 07:38:31, Creator/Last Upload: Singapore Chess Federation

Výběr turnajeGroup A, Group B
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Startovní listina

1GMTin, Jingyao5804418SGP2575
2GMIniyan, Pa25002767IND2547
3IMSiddharth, Jagadeesh5818320SGP2516
4FMWong, Zhenyong Jayden5821975SGP2397
5IMRitviz, Parab5073367IND2375
6IMSetyaki, Azarya Jodi7101589INA2370
7IMJin, Yueheng8616868CHN2340
8FMGoh, Zi Han5819156SGP2319
9WGMGong, Qianyun8602425SGP2250
10Wei, Yuyang8600171CHN2135
11Vijay, Rege5833655SGP1821