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12th TKSS - TN State Level Chess Tournament 2024 - Under 25 Open

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 12:43:50, Creator/Last Upload: R_K_Ganesh_Babu

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Lista startowa

1Divesh G1750U2524363che2024
2Trisha B1698U2523956che2024
3Saravana Vel R1650U252304CHE2024
4Naveen Rajan P1544U253675che2024
5Utsav Dutta1530U2526824cgl2024
6Aligi Amrutha Hemal487207471521wF102381cgl2024
7Aligi Riya Hemal487207551509wF122382cgl2024
8Gowtham Vishwa N1482U2527102cgl2024
9Preyanga R1472U252595che2024
10Srihari Krishnas1450U25 25353ran2024
11Naresh S1441U252898che2024
12Akhileshwar V0U252972CHE2024
13Anirudh Guru0U2523680che2024
14Brindha R0U2529051cgl2024
15Jai Ajan S0U2532836che2024
16Kanishk S R0U252293che2024
17Keerthana S0U2533703che2024
18Mythireyan P0U259712che2024
19Narain S0U2524177tlr2024
20Nitin B0U2529578tlr2024
21Raghul S0U2533656che2024
22San Prithiv0U2527008che2024
23Sarvesh G0U2533418che2024
24Sharvesh S P0U2533961che2024
25Srivarshan S0U2533967cgl2024
26Tharun Rajasekar0U2521946che2024
27Victoriya J0U2533821che2024