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12th TKSS - TN State Level Chess Tournament 2024 - Under 14 Boys

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 12:43:41, Creator/Last Upload: R_K_Ganesh_Babu

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Lista startowa

1Prakul A1753U1412379che2024
2Mohanraj Venkatesan1711U142531che2024
3Shasidharan K1520U147911tlr2024
4Abishek S V1498U148071che2024
6Thavvanesh H1465U142351che2024
7Hari Prasath R1436U149460che2024
8Vignesh K R1436U1426071che2024
9Mari Krishna M1404U142338che2024
10Aarush A0U1418307che2024
11Ayushmaan Natarajan Iyer0U143149che2024
12Bharath Raghavan M0U1428469che2024
13Bhavesh P0U143049che2024
14Charanjith B R0U149717che2024
15Deepesh R0U14Chopon
16Deveshwar Manigandan A0U148354tlr2024
17Dhanvanth G0U1427536ran2024
18Divya Shri M0U1426766che2024
19Harish Kumar S0U142465che2024
20Jay Surya K N0U142433che2024
21Kavinesh N0U1426236che2024
22Keshav Venkat K0U1433685che2024
23Krishna Priyan0U14Kavya
24Maaanas C V0U142374che2024
26Muhammad Aadhil M T0U1426818che2024
27Nithish K G D0U145481kgi2024
28Praveen J0U1425677che2024
29Raghav Elayaperumal0U1433717che2024
30Rahul Siva R0U1414547che2024
31Sailesh A0U14Exclusion
32Sanjey G0U1429448che2024
33Sharvesh S M0U1422422tlr2024
34Surya S0U1424864che2024
35Valliappan K0U1427873tlr2024
36Valvil Ori S P0U1415481tlr2024
37Vignesh S0U1433113che2024