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Erattupetta Sub District Inter School Chess Championship ,2024 SUB JUNIOR BOYS

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 21:29:52, Creator/Last Upload: JISMON MATHEW

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1Albet, JobyIND032002 [ S M G H S Chennad ]
2Faiz, JahanasIND032015 [ St. Mary's Hss Teekoy
3Farooque, ShefeerIND032015 [ St. Mary's Hss Teekoy
4Fayis, NijashIND032011 [ J J Murphy Memorial H
5G., YadukrishnanIND032005 [ Lf Hs Chemmalamattom ]
6Jacob, JaisonIND032022 [ St. Augustine's Hs Per
7Kailasnath, P AIND032002 [ S M G H S Chennad ]
8Karthik, KrishnaIND032013 [ Smv Hss Poonjar ]
9Muhammad, AliIND032238 [ Mmm Um Ups Karakkad ]
10Praveen, PrasadIND032005 [ Lf Hs Chemmalamattom ]
11Sidharth, SajithIND032011 [ J J Murphy Memorial H