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Erattupetta Sub District Inter School Chess Championship .2024 SENIOR BOYS

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony17.08.2024 21:28:37, Creator/Last Upload: JISMON MATHEW

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1Abhiram, K MadhuIND032005 [ Lf Hs Chemmalamattom ]
2Adarsh, BijuIND032002 [ S M G H S Chennad ]
3Alphonse, MathewIND032013 [ Smv Hss Poonjar ]
4Dhanush, V SIND032057 [ Govt. Vhss Thidanadu ]
5Gokul, SatheeshIND032011 [ J J Murphy Memorial H
6Jeffin, ThomasIND032004 [ Am Hss Kalaketty ]
7Sooraj, SajiIND032002 [ S M G H S Chennad ]
8Timothy, SabuIND032004 [ Am Hss Kalaketty ]