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CPH King David Linksfield Aug Rapid - Section C

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 12:36:32, Creator/Last Upload: Tshediso Mpya

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1Zhu, Ryan YuanchengRSA1410
2Kalmek, AsherRSA1339
3Block, ShlomoRSA1332
4Parag, AadyaRSA1285
5Kuchibhotla, Achyuta KartikeRSA1275
6Teeger, BenjaminRSA1274
7Nahon, JamesRSA1237
8Kotsi, MolemoRSA1235
9Lipshitz, BlakeRSA1233
10Nathan, AmiraRSA1221
11Whittaker, LillianRSA1215
12Immerman, MikaylaRSA1200
13Lutrin, JonahRSA1198
14Takuva, TawanaRSA1197
15Moss, DanielleRSA1191
16Pon, MichaelRSA1190
17Scop, SamRSA1152
18Marcou, GabrielRSA0
19Shina, NevehRSA0