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CPH King David Linksfield Aug Rapid - Section B

Posledná aktualizácia 18.08.2024 12:56:12, Creator/Last Upload: Tshediso Mpya

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Štartová listina

1Kalimashe, TshireletsoRSA1676
2Naidoo, KajolRSA1585
3Van De Venter, ZandreRSA1490
4Weng, DanielRSA1459
5Mankena, Satvik RamRSA1433
6Pon, ChristineRSA1264
7Shylesh, SathishRSA1254
8Zwane, Patricia SiphesRSA1211
9Kapur, YashvardhanRSA1204
10Parag Jugmohan, TejasRSA1199
11Mbatha, KuhlekonkeRSA1188
12Shina, MaorRSA1169
13Joule, JessicaRSA1164
14Mashigo, WayneRSA1133
15Emechebe, ChiamakaRSA1054
16Ngqweqwe, SaneleRSA1012
17Emechebe, MunachimRSA1004
18Nieuwoudt, LincolnRSA0
19Themba, OnthatileRSA0