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Vientos de agosto- FT 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 00:24:24, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Matoma, Yimmy4403754TOL1970
2Cardozo, Stid Jafhar4437837TOL1944Saber Ajedrez
3Sanchez, Carlos Fernando4433530COL1826
4Perez Latorre, Juan Sebastian4442792TOL1777Las Torres
5Quevedo Bonilla, Paula Thaliana4492498TOL1737Formando Talentos
6Sanchez Aragon, Michael Alejandro4488059TOL1668Fomando Talentos
7Lopez Mahecha, Natalia4492471TOL1625Formando Talentos
8Susunaga Duran, Madelen Fernanda4488067TOL1614Fomando Talentos
9Gil Giraldo, Oscar Leandro4484550TOL1576Saber Ajedrez
10Moreno Palacios, Alejandro144415257TOL1572
11Manrique Hernandez, Matias144416016TOL1535
12Tapiero Lozano, Harrison Geronimo144404565TOL1528Club Deportivo De Ajedrez De I
13Brinez Bernal, Juan Fernando144423047TOL1474
14Sierra Isaza, Jose Eduardo144420714TOL1416Formando Talentos Ibague
15Godoy, Juan ManuelCOL0
16Manchola, AlexanderCOL0
17Rodriguez, RaulCOL0
18Sierra, AdrianCOL0
19Suarez Vera, AngelCOL0