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Smuk Skak GM 2024

Last update 25.08.2024 15:36:22, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

Starting rank list of players

9GMThybo, Jesper Sondergaard1438832DEN2554
4IMKosakowski, Jakub1185080POL2501
2GMSolodovnichenko, Yuri14104369UKR2491
10GMAczel, Gergely727709HUN2485
3IMFromm, Marius12993190GER2447
5IMOlsen, Filip Boe1440640DEN2431
6IMLicznerski, Lukasz1179250POL2427
1IMPajeken, Jakob Leon12942839GER2416
7FMKanov, Nikola2928531BUL2414
8IMVinter-Schou, Uffe1400568DEN2340