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Summer open tournament of the Haifa-Nesher chess club Open C

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 20:55:28, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 11)

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1Smilovich, Eli2822555ISR1617
2Perelman, Eric2850141ISR1555
3Veksler, Arik2868288ISR1533
4Frumin, Rebeka2838079ISR1493
5Politansky, Haim2854031ISR1486
6Pugachov, Mark2869497ISR1485
7Akushsky, Yonatan2865130ISR1469
8Abu Lail, Kinan2866218ISR1447
9Shorkend, Daniel2869390ISR1433
10Branskii, Daniel2879433ISR1414
11Avital, Itay2872897ISR1412
12Iktelat, Ahmad2860511ISR1400
13Zarorah, Abdallah2877880ISR1388
14Rabinovich, Leon2857839ISR1382
15Abu Sinni, Rosol2878666ISR1374
16Benzger, Alex2871700ISR1312
17Avital, Yosef2838923ISR1300
18Smolyar, Mark2879980ISR1300
19Abu Lel, Djoud2866137ISR1286
20Daod, EmiliISR1272
21Aviv, ZivISR0
22Frenkel, AlexISR0
23Khizran, JawadISR0
24Mizrahi, Ori Eli2866790ISR0
25Wasim, Washahi2874806ISR0
26Yehia, TawfeekISR0