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Summer open tournament of the Haifa-Nesher chess club Open B

Last update 29.08.2024 21:14:05, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 11)

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Starting rank

1Vorobyev, Vladimir2848139ISR1963
2Cherikovsky, Yuri2803186ISR1957
3Shlaen, Rem2812932ISR1941
4Sorin, Boris24125229RUS1932
5Scheimann, Ori2858010ISR1904
6Pogoreltsev, Arsenii2869330ISR1891
7Tsabari, Ronen2823586ISR1860
8Abuelhijaa, Fadi2854910ISR1823
9Rabinovich, Yoav2869349ISR1808
10Lakhmish, Shay2814200ISR1805
11Gadyokov, Andrey2851385ISR1768
12Sabag, Matan2871300ISR1767
13Blumenthal, Yonatan2848511ISR1760
14Levitan, Liel2838770ISR1751
15Bernshtein, Yogev2856387ISR1747
16Zatcovetsky, David Hilel2878151ISR1723
17Hilel, Sagi2857715ISR1711
18Filiarsky, Yonatan2857499ISR1707
19Miorov, Ronen2876159ISR1676
20Salman, Jude2860449ISR1671
21Vednin, Sergey2830051ISR1670
22Goldberg, Yoni2853906ISR1624
23Ganem, Ayan2861739ISR1623
24Smilovich, Eli2822555ISR1617
25Khokhlov, Yuriy14160757UKR1608
26Kaadan, Lina2875632ISR1588
27Vancsa, Aron2876450ISR1507