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Summer open tournament of the Haifa-Nesher chess club Open A

Last update 29.08.2024 21:48:01, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 11)

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Starting rank

1Steiner-Prozhanski, Giora2802767ISR2296
2Linker, Mikhail14101734RUS2265
3Gov, Guy2820200ISR2257
4Zavialov, Alexander2871742ISR2198
5CMGruzman, Ilya2812703ISR2193
6FMAxelrod, Arie2804867ISR2180
7WFMLevitan, Ronit2815109ISR2172
8Kerner, Michael2814064ISR2161
9Aronovich, Igor2817829ISR2129
10Rinberg, David2850150ISR2032
11Mendler, Omer2843552ISR1980
12Khodeev, Mojsey4187440RUS1954