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Posledná aktualizácia 17.08.2024 12:50:46, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Štartová listina

1Poudel, GauravNEP1600
2Gurung, AnukulNEP1599
3Gurung, JenishNEP1533
4Paneru, AayushNEP1499
5Chapagain, AbinashNEP1312
6Gurung, AnmolNEP0
7Magar, AayushNEP0
8Neta, AayushNEP0
9Poudel, AasishNEP0
10Poudel, AayushNEP0
11Rai, AlexNEP0
12Thapa, Paribesh12353337NEP1573