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Group C (FIDE Rated): Rating 1800+/ Winners of group B in previous seasons

KCA 2024 Season 8 Ranking Tournament 綜合排名賽 Group C (Aug 18th)

Last update 18.08.2024 13:43:36, Creator/Last Upload: Kidult C Academy

Starting rank list of players

4Lopez de Anda, Edgar30941539USA1803
11FMHo, In Hei Henry6002552HKG1774
13Hon, Zig Zeth6003257HKG1611
8Law, Bok Man6013805HKG1551
2Chu, Kin Ho6002773HKG1520
9Leung, Ngai Chiu Micah6017002HKG1494
3Leung, Yui6016456HKG1438
10Lai, Hang Chi6016430HKG1432
5Chung, Kwok Kwan6017312HKG0
7Kaydyn, Membrey6016200HKG0
6Lee, Pok Lam6017240HKG0
1Yang, Yang6017320HKG0
12Zhang, Ziyuan6015450HKG0