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Kreativ 170824 rapid

Last update 17.08.2024 14:24:07, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

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Starting rank

1Sezdbekov, Arzybek13802046KGZ1992
2Esenaliev, Tabyshbek13842005KGZ1835
3Daudov, Timur13849697KGZ1779
4Ibraimov, Kubanychbek13824562KGZ1765
5Turksoi, Zhanpolat13826905KGZ1763
6Sydykov, Ernazar13840444KGZ1725
7Surkeev, Shumkar13833952KGZ1671
8Murzakimov, Zhenishbek13840398KGZ1633
9Mambetov, Nurel13829505KGZ1551
10Te, Sofia13846094KGZ1541
11Yrysov, Timur13835459KGZ1472
12Abdraimov, Airat13845942KGZ0
13Dadabaev, ArdasherKGZ0