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De Villiers PS Tournament 2024 U10

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 13:09:20, Creator/Last Upload: Abdurra Zaak Jacobs

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1Du Toit, ShanikaRSA1386
2Africa, FaithlynnRSA1336
3Ngqwarushe, JaydenRSA1333
4Brandt, TylerRSA1328
5Williams, MackenzyRSA1313
6Coetzee, SeanRSA1270
7Weng, IvanRSA1264
8Da Silva, Noah ClintRSA1246
9Kleinbooi, RileyRSA1200
10Prinsloo, EsmariRSA1195
11Booysen, IlyaRSA1191
12Edons, MihandroRSA1186
13Baadjies, QianaRSA1179
14Booysen, JamalRSA1090
15Visser, AmieraRSA1088
16Fortuin, PearlRSA0
17Swanepoel, ElayRSA0
18Titus, MatthewRSA0