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De Villiers PS Tournament 2024 U14

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony18.08.2024 13:08:42, Creator/Last Upload: Abdurra Zaak Jacobs

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1Robertson, JonahRSA1600
2Cornelius, LaythanRSA1474
3Viljoen, LienkaRSA1315
4Brandt, CaydenRSA1297
5Van Wyk, CaylemRSA1288
6Mcleod, Ney-ShawnRSA1278
7Klopper, MarliRSA1268
8Buys, LouwenRSA1237
9Amsterdam, JodanRSA1224
10Filander, ElijahRSA1207
11Mouers, Jody-LeeRSA1194
12Carelse, AndreoRSA1192
13Eyssen, MarcihanoRSA1177
14Joseph, ValdemiroRSA1161
15April, QiamodeenRSA0
16Caraus, KeliciaRSA0
17Davids, JaybriamRSA0
18Davids, NeveahRSA0
19Moavia, FarnaRSA0