Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Cash Prize-Rs.35000
1st Prize-Rs.5000; 2nd Prize-Rs.4000; 3rd Prize-Rs.3000; 4th Prize-Rs.2000; 5th Prize-Rs.1500;
6th Prize-Rs.1000; 7th to 10th-Rs.900; 11th-15th-Rs.800; 16th-20th-Rs.700; 21st-25th-Rs. 600;
26th-29th-Rs. 500; 30th-35th-Rs. 400;
Best Veteran (S50) - 2 Trophies
Best Women (S25) - 2 Trophies
Best Under 25 (Men) - 2 Trophies
Best Under 25 (Women) - 2 Trophies

♔Tharun Tejas✈3rd TN State Level Chess Tmt - OPEN - 20/Oct @Chennai - Total Cash Rs.35000 - Total 43 Prizes - 09 DAYS TO GO.. Register Online Now - Ct 9940308310

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony12.10.2024 06:02:58, Creator/Last Upload: R_K_Ganesh_Babu

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1Arun Kumar A250421491704S25
2Seshathri Sivanandham466537751422S25
3Kothandaraman V R881117410S50
4Ravi Kumar M U0S50
5Vinoth Kumar N0U99