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Torneo de Ajedrez VIII Carlos Benjamin Ustariz 2024 (U-15)

Վերջին արդիացում17.08.2024 23:31:52, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Gradiz Menjivar, Oscar8410046HON1503
2Alvarenga, Heaven8410607HON1467
3Benavides, Luis David8410011HON1458
4Viana Pineda, Amelia Fabiana8411301HON1452
5Bueso, Leonardo Daniel8414335HON0
6Diaz, Mia ValentinaHON0
7Giron Zuniga, Johan AlessandroHON0
8Lopez Galindo, Emma ValentinaHON0
9Lopez Serpas, Miguel AlejandroHON0
10Navarrete Calix, Eric JohelHON0
11Pineda Diaz, Denzel AlessandroHON0
12Sierra Velasquez, Jose GuillermoHON0
13Zambrano, SaidHON0