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Last update 17.08.2024 22:13:17, Creator/Last Upload: FEXPAR- Federação de Xadrez do Paraná

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Starting rank

1Jessé, Emanoel LorensettiBRA1975TOLEDO
2Giovanni, Iago dos Santos Lopes de CarvaBRA1876GUAIRA
3Luan, Kenzo AmorimBRA1729Cafezal do Sul
4Guilherme, Yan Pereira CastroBRA1560Alto piquiri
5Luiz, Fernando Brancalhão RodriguesBRA1542Francisco Alves
6Anderson, Gonçalves de AndradeBRA0GUAIRA
7André, Rodrigues LimaBRA0GUAIRA
8Camilla, SchneiderBRA0TOLEDO
9Danielle, Ferro Rafalski da SilvaBRA0Francisco Alves
10Felipe, Tiago De CarliBRA0TOLEDO
11Fernando, Moritz dos SantosBRA0GUAIRA
12Guilherme, de Souza SimõesBRA0Francisco Alves
13Jonas, da Roza DalfovoBRA0GUAIRA
14Juscelino, Fagner TimoteoBRA0GUAIRA
15Laura, SornasBRA0Francisco Alves
16Natyel, nascimento dos santosBRA0GUAIRA
17Natyel, nascimento dos santosBRA0IPORÃ
18Rafael, Lemos TiberioBRA0GUAIRA
19Silvio, BorgesBRA0GUAIRA