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TORNEO BLITZ AEQ Posledná aktualizácia 18.08.2024 04:36:43, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezMorona
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | | Carrasco, Bryan | | ECU | 2136 |
2 | | Alarcon, Cesar | | ECU | 2100 |
3 | | Vaca, Oscar | | ECU | 2090 |
4 | | Chiluisa, Mario | | ECU | 2030 |
5 | | Villegas, Juan Carlos | | COL | 2019 |
6 | | Sierra, Rodolfo | | COL | 1915 |
7 | | Almagro, Eugenio | | ECU | 1850 |
8 | | Quinde, Oscar | | ECU | 1824 |
9 | | Carrasco, Ruben | | ECU | 1734 |
10 | | Escobar, Ariana | | ECU | 1711 |
11 | | Tapia, David | | ECU | 1710 |
12 | | Sanchez, David | | ECU | 1500 |
13 | | Murillo, Alex | | ECU | 0 |