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Posledná aktualizácia 18.08.2024 04:36:43, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezMorona

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Štartová listina

1Carrasco, BryanECU2136
2Alarcon, CesarECU2100
3Vaca, OscarECU2090
4Chiluisa, MarioECU2030
5Villegas, Juan CarlosCOL2019
6Sierra, RodolfoCOL1915
7Almagro, EugenioECU1850
8Quinde, OscarECU1824
9Carrasco, RubenECU1734
10Escobar, ArianaECU1711
11Tapia, DavidECU1710
12Sanchez, DavidECU1500
13Murillo, AlexECU0