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Arena chess league

Last update 23.08.2024 20:43:40, Creator/Last Upload: Mohamed Saad

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team12345678910 TB1 
1Bobby Fischer * 3344429
2Raslanof1 * 223444427,5
3Storm of dragons2 * 444325
4Hikaru nakamura12 * 2234423
5Mikhail tal12 * 24322
6Garry Kasparov00½22 * 323416,5
7Fabiano caruana0001½1 * 3312
8The champ½02½ * 2211,5
9Future½0000112 * 37,5
10My chess001010121 * 6

Tie Break1: points (game-points)