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Darnall and Handsworth (Sheffield) 8th FIDE Rated Rapidplay - Major U1900

Senast uppdaterad17.08.2024 23:14:06, Creator/Last Upload:

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1Stoker, Andrew J468290ENG01886
2Davis, Jim454419ENG01811
3Kennedy, Craig408905SCO01809
4Graham, Oliver454427ENG01805
5Willey, Chris G440620ENG01720
6Holroyd-Doveton, Nathaniel461938ENG01719
7Cross, Gintare (Gee)12801666LTU01692
8Greatorex, Roger420131ENG01676
9Egan, William J437220ENG01585
10West, Oliver343445578ENG01548
11Esayas, Samuel343452272ENG00
12Thomson, John343447287ENG00