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1= Tamas Szilard & Craig Kennedy £92.50 each
3= Jack Virgin, Senith Gunarathne &Nathan Madzia £10 each
Robert Black rating prize £25

Darnall and Handsworth (Sheffield) 8th FIDE Rated Rapidplay - Major U1900

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony31.08.2024 23:11:24, Creator/Last Upload:

Search for player Szukanie

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1Johnson, Simon34342626319491881
2Graham, Oliver45442718541805
3Barnaby, Nicholas Ms240285818531820
4Stoker, Andrew J46829018411886
5Tamas, Szilard120148418391808
6Davis, Jim45441918301811
7Virgin, Jack47293018221763
8Kennedy, Craig40890518011809
9Mcdonald, Ian43224517971648
10Greatorex, Roger42013117921676
11O'brien, Jacob34342519417881760
12Connor, Michael I42065417881747
13Chatterton, Craig45445117831654
14West, Oliver34344557817701548
15Holi, Siefaldin A1220049217681762
16Cuaresma, Bien45168117631694
17Wells, David46189017611872
18Graham, Neil40899917581638
19Holroyd-Doveton, Nathaniel46193817471719
20Willey, Chris G44062017231720
21Egan, William J43722017141585
22Moreland, Finlay W34342517817041721
23Black, Robert46190317040
24Gelder, Stephanie34311089616831343
25Hughes, Michael34343439816721853
26Maheshwari, Shlok34343948916071529
27Gunarathne, Senith34310432415751775
28Roychowdhury, Aashita34341210614991535
29Singh, Adamjeet34340936914751517
30Madzia, Nathan34344072001841
31Cross, Gintare (Gee)1280166601692
32Esayas, Samuel34345227200