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TORNEO DE AJEDREZ "DE LA JUVENTUD" TLAPA DE COMONFORT, GRO. CATEGORIA MIXTAPosledná aktualizácia 16.08.2024 22:53:19, Creator/Last Upload: AO Rodolfo González Mosso
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Cantu, Leal Leandro | | MEX | 1615 | Pegaso |
2 | | Hernandez, Pablo Adair | | MEX | 1488 | Pegaso |
3 | | Diaz, Cuellar Brayan Edwin | | MEX | 1389 | Pegaso |
4 | | Villano, Santiago Leonardo | | MEX | 1366 | |
5 | | Albino, Vazquez Jeff Abiel | | MEX | 1353 | Pegaso |
6 | | Villanueva, Estrada Josue | | MEX | 1336 | |
7 | | Bernardino, Espinoza Brian | | MEX | 1310 | |
8 | | Salazar, Morales Erick Jhovani | | MEX | 1250 | |
9 | | Diaz, Cuellar Dominic Erik | | MEX | 1209 | Pegaso |
10 | | Rescalvo Nava, Ian Zinedyn | | MEX | 1200 | |
11 | | Rescalvo Nava, Omar | | MEX | 1200 | |
12 | | Villanueva, Martinez Josue Alexis | | MEX | 1140 | Pegaso |
13 | | Vazquez, Mendoza Oliver Antolin | | MEX | 1100 | Pegaso |
14 | | Mendoza, Ramirez Fernando Jesus | | MEX | 1072 | |
15 | | Gerbacio, Mosso Diego Fernando | | MEX | 1050 | |
16 | | Melchor, Martinez Jose Salvador | | MEX | 1050 | |
17 | | Escobar, Cabrera Leonardo | | MEX | 1000 | Pegaso |
18 | | Gonzalez, Bonilla Karen | | MEX | 1000 | |
19 | | Luis, Guzman Brayan | | MEX | 1000 | |
20 | | Mosso, Gonzalez Cruz Aldair | | MEX | 1000 | |
21 | | Sanchez, Sanchez Jonathan Fernando | | MEX | 1000 | |
22 | | Vazquez, Cantu Marcos Lidoyne | | MEX | 1000 | |
23 | | Hernandez Galvez, Carlos Jesus | | MEX | 0 | |
24 | | Sanchez Hernandez, Gerardo Daniel | | MEX | 0 | |